Axe Taekwon-Do
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Mr. Jaxon Johnson

1st Degree Black Belt


Moved to Washington State - August 2023



Rank: 1st Degree Black Belt

Date Started Taekwon-Do: February 2021

Birthday: October 5th

What did you want to be when you grow up: A Scientist
Favorite part of class: Everything

USTF Number:  19-405





Where were you born:  Hawaii

What type of pets do you have and what are their names: Two dogs, Milo and Maize 

What countries/states have you lived in: Nebraska, Hawaii, Virginia and soon Washington
What sports/hobbies do you have other than Taekwon-Do: Drawing
What is your favorite food: Sushi
What would like others to know about you:

That I love to watch


1st Degree, USTF-1-11701, July 23, Grand Master Todd, Bellevue, Nebraska



1. Why did you start Taekwon-Do:   To learn self-defense
2. What made you interested enough to join:
3. What did you think being a black belt meant before you started training: To be strong
4. What do you think being a black belt means now: 
To have perseverance and technique


5. What changed your opinion: I learned that you have to want to be it
6. What was your goal when you started  Taekwon-Do: To become a black belt
7. What is your goal now: To become a ninth degree

1 tile downward kinfe hand

1st degree black belt testing


2 board flying side piercing kick

1st degree black belt testing


2023 Nationals:  Silver medal sparring


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