Axe Taekwon-Do
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 Mr. Luke Carter

3rd Degree Black Belt

Inactive May 2015

Student of the Year 2008


Rank: 3rd Degree
Date Started Taekwon-Do: February 2004
Favorite Part of Class: Everything
Least Favorite Part of Class: nothing, I like everything
Why did you start Taekwon-Do: Because I saw examples of martial arts when I was younger
Birthday: September 29,1996
Where were you born: Cheyenne, Wyoming
What states/countries have you lived in: Wyoming and Nebraska
What sports/hobbies do you enjoy other than Taekwon-Do: Football & Hockey
What is your favorite food: Ravioli

2011 Internationals

Silver Medal Hvy BB Jr. Male Sparring


3 tile backfist - 3rd degree testing



Twin foot front snap kick


Older Pics




Mr. Carter is a black belt student at Axe Taekwon-Do.  Mr. Carter took the adult black belt written tests and posted one of the highest scores at Axe Taekwon-Do for any age.






Current grade in school: High school
What are your brother's and sister's names: Jacob
What type of pets do you have and what are their names: Norwegian Elkhound—name—Comet and Tortoise Shell Cat—name—Sirena and Siberian Huskie - Chai
What do you want to be when you are older:  Musical Theory
What is your goal in Taekwon-Do: To be in Taekwon-Do as long as life takes me
Coke or Pepsi: Water


3rd Degree, USTF-3-1261, February 2014, Master Todd, Bellevue, Nebraska

2nd Degree, USTF-2-2940, February 2009, Master Todd, Bellevue, Nebraska

1st Degree, USTF-1-10543, August 2007, Mr. Todd, Bellevue, Nebraska


USTF Class C Instructor, Number 879, Feb 2009

USTF Class C Referee, March 2009

USTF Basic Ho-Sin-Sul, November 2007


2 direction kick



1. Why did you start to train in Taekwon-Do?
   I wanted to do a type of martial art.

2. What made you interested enough to join?
    A friend of mine was in ATA Taekwon-Do

3. What did you think being a Black Belt meant before you  started training?
  You are a very tough student.

4. What do you think being a Black Belt means now?
    That being a black belt means you put effort into Taekwon-Do and live it as a lifestyle.

5. What changed your opinion?

The people I have met in Taekwon-Do


6. What do you like the most about Taekwon-Do?
I like everything.

7. What was you goal when you started Taekwon-Do?
  To become a black belt and to have sweat dripping off my face every class.

8. What do you want to accomplish now?
Be a life-long member of Taekwon-Do






Last modified: 2/21/2014 Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.