
 Mr. Randall Hake- 1st Degree Black Belt

Moved to Texas - July 2009


Rank: 1st Degree Black Belt            
Date Started Taekwon-Do: November 2005
Favorite Part of Class: Having Mr. Bushor as an instructor 


Mr. Hake is a black belt student at Axe Taekwon-Do. Mr. Hake began his training under Master Todd & Mr. Bushor as a white belt. 

Least Favorite Part of Class: None
Why did you start Taekwon-Do: To defend my family
Where were you born: Holland
What states/countries have you lived in: Holland, VA, NE
What sports/hobbies do you enjoy other than Taekwon-Do: Soccer
What is your favorite food: Bread
What elementary/junior or high school do you attend: Fairview
Current Grade: First
Favorite class in school: Art
Least favorite class in school: Having to put your head down because of others
What are your brother's and sister's names: Garrett & Matthew
What type of pets do you have and what are their names: dog
What do you want to be when you are older: Dad in Air Force
What are your goals in Taekwon-Do: 9th Degree Black Belt
Coke, Pepsi or Mountain Dew:  Root Bee


1st Degree, USTF-1-10670, August 2008, Master Todd, Bellevue, Nebraska


Class C Referee, March 2009









Last modified: 10/20/2007 Send mail to ustfneb@cox.net with questions or comments about this web site.