Axe Taekwon-Do
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Axe Taekwon-Do Class History

Axe Taekwon-Do was formed in 2004 at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. The class was formerly called Meek's International Taekwon-Do under Senior Master Gary W. Meek from 1992 to April 2004. After Senior Master Meek's departure Master Todd and Mr. Bushor formed Axe Taekwon-Do which is an authorized school under the United States Taekwon-Do Federation. Master Todd and Mr. Bushor have been with the United States Taekwon-Do Federation their entire martial arts careers. In 2009 Ms. April Bowing was added to the staff as an instructor.

Please refer to the instructors biographies for further information.

Last modified: 10/20/2007 Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.